pregnancy massage

Pregnancy massage

Are you four months pregnant or later and are you feeling the changes in your body and in your psyche? Do you change your posture due to the weight gain and maybe you have back pain as a result? The joints are under heavy strain or muscle cramps, swollen ankles or exhaustion literally "complicate" your pregnancy?

I am happy to relieve you of the usual discomfort of pregnancy with gentle stretching and stroking, vibrations and special grips. During this holistic experience, you can perceive your body in a completely different way and, while it produces oxytocin for you, naturally promote the bond with your child.

In a lovingly appreciative atmosphere you can relax, reduce fears or stress and look forward to the birth. The prenatal massage is not only beneficial in the shoulder and neck area and relieves the strain on the joints, but can also improve blood circulation in the lymphatic vessels and stabilize the vegetative nervous system.

First I massage you while sitting in the tradition of the gentle therapeutic women's massage (according to Stephenson), then while lying down. Gentle music can accompany you during deep relaxation and you can now enjoy the time with you and your baby in a completely relaxed manner.

Pregnancy massage can also cause:

    Strengthening the skin's elasticity to reduce tissue tearsStress reduction can reduce the risk of premature birthemotional support during pregnancy, which also has a positive effect on your babyduring the birth process, your softer muscles involved through relaxation support you.

You will receive a full or partial body massage and the focus will always be on your individual needs as a mother-to-be. I massage you from the fourth month.

Dates: From July 2022. You are welcome to make an appointment now.

Also home visit.

Information and registration:

0178 147 5651


Full body massage 60 min: 50 €

30-minute partial body massage: €25

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Dr. phil. Sandra Fortner